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 Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80

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Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 08/04/2011
Edad : 36
Localización : Venezuela

Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80 Empty
MensajeTema: Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80   Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80 EmptyLun Jun 13, 2011 3:38 pm

Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80

Sealed Dynasty Ring Gemstone

Drops :

Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)

Spoils :

Male Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier (Delusion Chamber)
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare (Delusion Chamber)
Ragna Orc Shaman (Den of Evil)
Leogul (Giant Caves)
Klennot (Giant Caves)

Sealed Dynasty Earring

Drops :

Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)

Spoils :

Lesser Giant (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Evil Spirits of the Mine (Giant Caves)
Contaminated Mucrokian (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Mutant Destroyer (Delusion Chamber)

Sealed Dynasty Necklace

Drops :

Cursed Guardian (Giant Caves)
Aenkinel (Lvl 81) (Delusion Chamber)
Servitor of Darkness (Den of Evil)
Ragna Orc Healer (Den of Evil)
Aenkinel (Lvl 82) (Delusion Chamber)
Turka Commander's Ghost Grave Guardian Spirit (Crypts of Disgrace)
Nihil Invader Warrior (Delusion Chamber)
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader (Stakato Nest)
Guardian Waterspirit (Field of Silence / Field of Whispers)
Aenkinel (Lvl 84) (Delusion Chamber)
Mutant Healer (Delusion Chamber)

Spoils :

Spiked Stakato Sorcerer (Stakato Nest)
Scarlet Stakato Worker (Stakato Nest)
Cursed Seer (Giant Caves)
Imagro (Giant Caves)
Barif's Pet (Giant Caves)
Grave Robber Summoner (Mithril Mines)
Female Spiked Stakato (Stakato Nest)
Grave Robber Warrior (Mithril Mines)
Lesser Giant Scout (Giant Caves)
Spiked Stakato Drone (Stakato Nest)
Spiked Stakato Shaman (Stakato Nest)
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Guia de drop y Spoil - Joyeria S80
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